Instead of ‘Finding’ Your Passion, Try ‘Developing’ It: Stanford Scientists

If you think you may have a passion for photography, try “developing” that passion instead of “finding” it. The shift in mindset could help keep you from giving up when the going gets tough. That’s what Stanford psychologists have concluded after doing a study on the age-old advice of “finding your passion.” In a new...

Samyang Unveils an 85mm f/1.4 Full Frame Lens for Canon EF

Samyang has just announced its new Samyang/Rokinon 85mm f/1.4 full frame autofocus lens for Canon EF-mount cameras. The announcement comes just one week after the company unveiled its new 24mm f/2.8 lens. The lens is the equivalent of a 136mm when mounted on a Canon crop sensor APS-C camera. Thanks to its internal design and technologies such as...

This Simple Posing Trick Makes People Instantly Look Thinner

Photographer Niels Kemp recently asked wedding photographer and Nikon ambassador Brett Florens for his best piece of advice for beginning photographers. His answer was the simple portrait posing trick in the 2.5-minute video above. “One of the main questions I get asked as a photographer is ‘Can you make me look thin?’,” Florens says. He then proceeds to demonstrate...

How to Know if Your Documentary is in Need of a Sales Agent

Unsure of what a sales agent does or how they could benefit your project? Let’s break it down. Documentary filmmakers know, that in order to make a film, we have to wear many hats. We’re often a combination of directors, producers, cinematographers, sound operators, and editors…and due to low budgets, we even find ourselves as...

4 Lighting Tips for Shooting Beautiful Black and White

If you’re going to be shooting in black and white, understand that the rules for lighting are a little different. Black and white photography can be absolutely beautiful, because it utilizes the essential elements of early cinema, like shadow, texture, and intensity. However, if you’re heading out to light a black and white project with...

Creative Camera Moves and Transitions You Can Use on Your Next Music Video

Learn how to use camera work and shot transitions to make a creative, high-energy music video. Music videos are a filmmaker’s best friend— or at least they should be. They typically require less time and money to make and, most importantly, give us a chance to experiment with ideas and explore our creativity. If you’ve...

5 Tips on How a Filmmaker Can Use Social Media Effectively

Social media isn’t just for promotion. It’s a way to connect with fellow filmmakers and potential collaborators. If you’re someone involved or even interested in the arts, there’s a good chance you’re active on social media. Why shouldn’t you be? When it comes to the filmmaking community, the ways you can engage are endless. Whether...